
Here for a good time and to connect with young people with a passion for finance

Bullish is a community for young people passionate about finance. The platform seeks to unite people who we believe have endless possibilities in advancing their careers in finance-related fields. Bullish supports its members with various resources required to advance and develop necessary skills to navigate the early stages of working in the finance world.


Bullish is segmented into three (3) different groups to facilitate focused materials and content to its members. They are the Red Inks (Secondary school students), Bean Keepers (University/Graduate Students) and the Cash Cows (Early career level).


Bullish hosts a series of physical and virtual events both exclusive to its members and free for the public. This creates a platform to learn, grow, share ideas and connect with each other.


Bullish publishes newsletters, blog posts and also creates a platform for other organisations focused on the growth and advancement of careers in finance to reach out to members.

Proudly Saying That We Are

Team of Creatives

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Senior Developer

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue curabitur blandit.


Team Leader

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue curabitur blandit.


UI/UX Designer

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue curabitur blandit.


Creative Director

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue curabitur blandit.